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This vignette details the requirements and guidelines for loading single-cell data in scExploreR.

What objects can I upload to scExploreR?

scExploreR works with many common object formats for single-cell data. Functionality is largely similar between object classes, but there are some differences. A table with the supported object classes summarizing the differences in functionality between each class is given below.

Seurat Seurat v5 + BPCells SingleCellExperiment Anndata
Full plotting capabilities
Consistent Style
Based on categorical Metadata
Based on feature expression
Advanced code-based subsetting
Differential Gene Expression
Can perform DGE
Results show AUC value

The function used to perform DGE varies by object class. The functions used for each object class are listed below.

Seurat presto::wilcoxauc
Seurat v5 + BPCells BPcells::marker_features

scExploreR uses the most performant wilcoxon rank sum function for each object class. DGE is not available for SingleCellExperiment objects because there is no known package that can process both the standard sparse matrices and the HDF5-enabled DelayedArray matrices in these objects.

How should objects be processed?

Generally speaking, objects should be be pre-processed before loading into the browser. Pre-processing steps encompass operations such as those outlined in the Seurat and Scanpy docs.

Objects should have the have the following characteristics below before loading into the browser. Objects lacking these properties may load in scExploreR, but key functionality may be limited, and unexpected behavior may be observed.

Objects should have:

  • At least one reduction.
  • Feature expression data for at least one modality (assay in Seurat). The browser is designed for use with both unimodal or multimodal data.
  • Normalized count data for each modality included.
  • No NA values in the count/normalized count data (or NaN values in anndata object format).

If NA literals exist in feature expression data, the config app will stop loading the object and return an error. We did this because NA values in expression data are known to cause issues in the app. If you are using software that outputs count data that evaluates to NA in R, or NaN in Python, we recommend changing those values to 0. If this causes issues with the software you are using, please file an issue and mention the software name in the issue title and text.

  • No NA values in metadata. NA values for categorical metadata should be renamed from literal NA values to character values ("NA", "Undefined", "Unspecified", etc.) before loading the object into the app.

If you wish to load an object that doesn’t meet the conditions above, feel free to file an issue describing your situation. Please search the issue board for similar situations to yours before filing an issue.

Additional Preprocessing for anndata objects

For anndata objects, scExploreR requires additional information to locate matrices corresponding to reductions and multimodal data. Unlike Seurat and SingleCellExperment objects, the anndata class does not specify storage locations exclusive to modalities and reductions. Instead, both are stored in obsm.

For scExploreR to properly locate additional modalities and reductions, you must specify the names of the matrices in obsm corresponding to these data types. This is done by adding two python lists to uns: uns.scExploreR_assays for additional modalities, and uns.scExploreR_reductions for reductions.

For example, if you have an object with surface protein measurements in obsm.protein, and UMAP and PCA reductions in obsm.X_uamp and obsm.X_pca, respectively, you would enter the following in uns (replacing object with the name of the variable you assigned to your object):

object.uns["scExploreR_reductions"] = ["X_umap", "X_pca"]

object.uns["scExploreR_assays"] = ["protein"]

For an additional example, see the app setup walkthrough vignette.